Ash Wednesday Service

Wednesday, February 22nd. 6:00 pm PT.

In-person and via Zoom

Small Group

Virtual Small Group study of “Seven Words: Listening to Christ from the Cross”.

Wednesday Evenings from 6:30 to 7:30, March 1st through Arpil 5th.

Zoom -

If you are interested, email us at to register and receive your copy of the book.

Palm Sunday Service

Sunday, April 2nd. 10:30 am PT.

In-person and via Zoom

Maundy Thursday Service

Thursday, March 28th. 6:30 pm PT.

Come and share a meal with us for this special service.

Joint Worship Service with Mt. Baker Presbyterian Church & First Japanese Presbyterian Church

Friday, April 7th. 7:00 pm PT.

Madrona Grace Presbyterian Church

Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 31 starting at 8:45am

Easter Breakfast at 8:45am PT

Easter service at 10:30am PT